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Combating Antisemitism Through Cultural and Historical Understanding

Combating Antisemitism Through Cultural and Historical Understanding

The above was the title of the interactive workshop offered this week by Dara Horn at the Holocaust Teacher’s Institute of the University of Miami School of Education and Human Development. Carly Orshan, CAJE’s Senior Director of Strategic Initiatives and Teen Education, and I were invited by Dr. Kassenoff to attend from CAJE. We were thrilled to see colleagues Nikki Freeman, Director of Education for the Holocaust Memorial, along with Julie Paresky and Stephanie Rosen of the organization 3G Miami, as well as Rabbi Judith Siegal of Temple Judea. Most of the attendees were public school teachers from all across Miami-Dade.
Longing for More

Longing for More

This week is Parashat Tetzaveh, which details the dress of the Kohanim / the priests and the aspects of the altar, on which the priests performed sacrifices. This past week, I also taught an evening adult bat mitzvah class at Beth Torah Benny Rok Campus about Shabbat. What to teach that wouldn’t be... routine, obvious, maybe boring, G!D forbid? So I started by putting onto the classroom table my own challah board, knife, challah cover and some salt. And I figured I would begin the whole lesson with a question that they might not know the answer to in order to capture their attention after a long day: Why the salt? Why do we traditionally dip our bread into a bit of salt or sprinkle salt on the bread on Friday night? Total quiet— I now had their attention, success!

CAJE Calendar

CAJE's Yearly Impact

30,288Number of Adults Served

6,966Number of Children and Teens Served

626Number of Teachers and Youth Professionals Served

40Number of Schools Served